Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Sylvia took this foto of me saluting the sinking sun from atop a big rock in the sea,while the tide comes in.

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    wow, i don't even have enough space for all of my comments!!
    sum it up with... inspirational, magical and motivational!

  2. I read somewhere today that Isle of Iona was known by another name which was long and I cant remember it now but it meant the Isle of beautiful women!! Tee hee! So there you go! What a place to do sun salutations! Glad you didnt have to swim home! Brrrrr

  3. Before I climbed up, I drew a sign in the sand a ways up the beach and when the water washed out my drawing, I climbed down!
    I was amazed how fast it happened.
    The tide went out pretty far today, I was temped to hike all the way back to the marble mine and search for sand polished stones, but it is far. I know the island seems small and that it is not far miles wise, but the terrain makes it a longer trip as does the wind! Walking into that wind is work.
    And at the end of the day you feel sunburned from the wind, it is strange.
