Look at this fun, checkered flower! It is growing in the old nunnery.
The original nunnery. The Sheela na gig nunnery!

This lovely circle and the following willow wicker, growing sculptures are in the garden of the Caledonia Hotel, where they grow their own organic greens and such.

Sylvie and Tammas, my Iona friends, walked me to the ferry today.
We had time so we stopped in garden spots and semi hidden pathways.
We also discovered, thanks to Tammas' watchful eye, a labyrinth someone had made on the beach near the pier.
It was wonderfully created with beach findings, shells, stones, seaweed, rope strands, colored glass and pottery shards, very well put together.
Sylvie took some fotos I will share when she shares.

I miss these women already, it has only been hours!
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