Friday, December 11, 2009

Alvord Lake-Part 2

Here is our second stop on our "tour of the skates", Alvord Lake.
After Kilbrennen Lake we anticipated snow on this Lake as it is also higher inelevation than Savage Lake.
We decided we needed to check out the ice anyway and we were really glad we did!
This is an "artistic" shot! ha!
Jim really doesn't run over me!

Here I am trying to get a shot of the depth that you could see through the ice, but to no avail. Nice skates though, eh?!

Hand Jim the camera and here is what you get!
Another "artistic" shot! I love how the sun muted and distorted things though!
So, as you can see, when we arrived and set up our chairs and changed
into our skates and sipped hot tea looking over the Lake, our expectations were not high, but as we made our way to the far side of the lake and found that patch of glass, we were delighted and skated and spun and hooted and tried tricks and just played like a couple of otters for quite awhile!

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