Tuesday, January 26, 2010


What do you think?
These were on a HUGE sale and I was able to talk them down even more!
I know that some of you will be thinking, "I can see why those were on sale"!
But these are Super comfy and way out there colorwise...and I adore them.
I haven't shown Mike yet...I can pretty much see that raised eyebrow and semi-predict his reaction, but heck! I am going to rock these babies! And I think I shall continue on the crzy loud sock ensemble too!


  1. Those shoes will really draw attention to your face. Good move. Love the sox too.
    Unk J

  2. Ooooh Ahhh - Magic turquoise shoes..!!
    I freaking LOVE the socks too.

  3. I think the new shoes are AWESOME! Better sleep with both eyes open or they might find a lovely new home in Maine.

  4. yeah gurrrlfriend!
    i love them! way to have some style in northwest montana, even in january.
    bring "em to turner!
