This foto does not capture the magnitude of the icy-ness of the road.
Not only was it glare ice, but it had just a trickle of water on top so that walking was an amazing feat.
I was gone to Seattle for the week, so I missed the sub-zero temps and then the nice fluffy snow.
I came home to the thaw.
It warmed up and rained and rained and rained and rained.
It was a hard pelting rain, not just some winter drizzle, turning snow into soft sloppiness
and the packed snow into ice.
It apparently warmed up enough to make this bear think it was spring.
His trackes were spotted all over the neighborhood, but he stopped for quite awhile at the BarbErics.
He nosed around the suet that they had out for the birds and he nosed around the chicken coop.
When Barb walked down to borrow the phone to call Fish and Game, Eric was having a stand-off with him near the chicken house, whacking him on the nose with a ski pole.
He mostly just seemed like he wanted to take a nap.
He was VERY lethargic.
By the time FW&P arrived, he had wandered off,
hopefully to a new den where he could nap in peace.