Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Horn Hunting

It feels like spring in Montana!
It looks like spring too!
It was a toss up, should I get the canoe down and float Bull River on this fine Saturday, or just go out hiking around and see what I discovered?
I frittered around the house for too long and ended up deciding to hike since then I only had myself to get ready instead of hassling with the canoe. So I parked and walked across this lovely bridge and then hiked up Berray Creek till it got to narrow and brushy and then bush-whacked up the mountain side and back around to face the sun and better views. I didn't find any antlers but soaked in a lot of sun!
Billiard Table Mtn.Peaking through the trees.
                 The view from a flank of Berray Mtn. towards Bad Medicine and Bull Lake.
It is difficult to wish for more snow when the weather is this nice, but I really wasn't through with winter yet!
It is Montana though, so there could be much more winter to come.
Either way, I will revel in it!
Tomorrow I should have the wedding fotos (and the Goodwill Formal fotos) in my hands, hopefully I shall have time to share them with you all! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You are LOW on snow this year, as are we.
    We need a few thundering blizzards before too long, or summer gonna be thirsty.
    Unk Jefffff
