Wednesday, August 31, 2011

and speaking of hot summer days.....

 we spent part of our hot summer Saturday at Turner Mountain ski hill
doing training for ski patrol.
 A-typical summer experience, for sure.
But lots of fun rapelling off the chairlift.
 It was a perfect, sunny day.
Nice clouds floating by.
Nice breezes.
I gotta tell ya,
it was REALLY great getting to the Lake afterward!

Lake Days of Summer

 Last week was pretty hot.
Not too hot, but up there for this summer.
We got home from work and went straight to the Lake
every single day.
 I swam across the Lake every single day last week.
One day it was rather "boaty" so I asked Mike to accompany me in the kayak
so that my presence wasn't a surprise to some boater.
Most days last week, I also swam Savage Lake on my lunch break.
Love these hot summer days! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekend at Home

 Evening shots from home while taking out the compost last night.

Clearing in the powerlines.

 Well, I didn't get the camera quick enough on this action.
Mike created a "snag" in our yard by removing the top of this tree.
I admit, seeing him WAY up on the ladder with the chain saw, was a bit disconcerning....


 As Mike and I were having an evening dinner on the back deck, we had this beautiful visitor in the pond.
 A couple of times one of the fish would swim up to investigate,
 probably looking for a  bit of dinner of their own!
We bought that glass ball during the Lake Pend Orielle Art show at City beach during the Festival.
We bought it from a guy named Zeus who was wearing a kilt that appreared to be constructed of carhartt material. We asked if the ball would float, he said, "for sure", well it does, but it floats all cock-eyed. We didn't ask if it would float prettily! So here it rests on this piece of "driftwood" in the pond.
And we laugh.
 Here you can see the fish in the background, I think that is Curley.
I love the reflection on this shot.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

Festival at Sandpoint 2011

Another year of the Festival at Sandpoint.
Another wonderful time spent picnicing to great music, 
playing on the Lake,
and visiting with friends.
This year Mike had a meeting on the night of the  Brandi Carliisle show so I took Natassia.
The folks beside us were playing with a fancy new camera and took our fotos,
 a lot.
At the end of the show they gave us their business card and said that if we sent them an e-mail,
 they would send us fotos. Below is one of their shots.
Mike also had a meeting the night of the Josh Ritter performance,
and neighbor Barb gladly joined me for her first ever visit to the Festival.
We camped on the Lake and had a great time!
That guys in the glasses, playing the bass was a wonderful entertainer and played many instruments WELL! We were smitten! Josh called him something like "Zachariah Obadiah Book of Revelations Hickman", I will have to look him up and see what I find!
(Ok, I looked him up on brought back memories of the performance and just how good he really was! AND that twirly mustache is the bomb! Oh My! Look up Zach Hickman when you get a chance!)