Monday, June 27, 2011


 We went on a little camping trip.
Up the Yaak River.
Just upstream from the confluence with Hellroaring Creek.
 The weather was fine.
A bit windy, which meant no bugs.
 The food was over-the-top good!
Dutch oven enchiladas, calico beans, chocolate birthday cake
homemade from scratch everything...Mmmmm!
 Good company, long walks, campfire, fireworks....
 Gorgeous site.
 It was deeply relaxing.
Weekends are wonderful!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cows With Guns (music by Dana Lyons,

Ok, so I shared "dead skunk" with my office mates and Tamara shared this with me!
I am still laughing! This is a keeper!

"tis the season

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Melting Snow

 Two co-workers and my daughter Molly and I took an evening hike to Crowell Falls.

 It is always amazing to see this place when the water is high.
The view from up here is spectacular.
The wildflowers are in full bloom.

 Bull Lake through the trees from on high.

 It is amazing that all this water is fostered by the sun on the snowfields!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A walk in the Park

 Today, my co-worker and I had a lunch meeting
walking through Roosevelt Park along the Kootenai River
 We made the loop around the fishing pond
 and the other loop down by the tracks
where you get this nice view of Grambauer Mtn.
These are the best of meetings.
More productive than any conference room! 

The Road Home

 After work I had to dashto Sandpoint to pick up Molly
and bring her to Troy for a few days
 This is our summer evening trip home through Hope, Idaho
and we took all the back roads we could.
 This is the confluence of the Clark Fork River with Lake Pend'Orielle.
 Here we are in our sweet Montana!
Highway 56 heading homeward.
 We saw elk and a beaver and the usual kazillion deer.

 The air is fragrant with the scent of wild roses and lupine.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

 Crowell Falls
(just down the road and up the trail from home)
....."Dashing waters, faithful friends,
foaming over stony ledges
deep in dark sequestered glens!
Dashing waters, ancient friends!
Gushing gulleys! elfin dens,
girt with rock along the edges!
Dashing waters, faithful friends,
foaming over stony ledges!".....

excerpt from"Valley Song" by Jonas Hallgrimsson

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ross Creek Cedars

Cedar from the inside,
 clear water,
Early devils club, 

 blooming currant
 Women inside the cedar, looking toward the light,
 trillium still blooming,
ferns unfurling....Magic!

Goddess Weekend

 Some highlights from the weekend:
Canoeing, hoop construction (and instruction and play)

 Pedicures and rock climbing (in the Cedar Grove)
 Look who is up!
Sleeping on the porch because of the rain.
However, we didn't have much rain...just a few night time sprinkles.
 and thankfully, no mosquitos!
Some of the interior ambience.

Not shown in fotos: skinny-dipping (we dipped daily, each morning before yoga and breakfast), yoga, eating...Oh My! the food! It was amazing and delicious and more than plentiful! Drumming by the fire and twirling sparklers....Massage, lots of massage!
It was restful and wonderful! New friends were made and I'd venture to say, more than one person is probably on a diet today!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The old and the new

The old highchair and the new kid.
Baby Zayne.
Without all the new safety bells and whistles of the new plastic high chairs.


 Not the greatest shots but this might help to illustrate the chartreuse powder
that is covering everything right now.
I looked out the window the other evening when I had just arrived home
from work and I thought the neighbors were burning because this cloud of "smoke" was drifting across the yard about eye level.
Turns out it was a thick cloud of pollen!
We made foot prints when walking on the porch, it was so dusty!
It is a lovely color that the fotos don't depict, glorious chartreuse.
I got the outside decks and furniture cleaned, now for the inside, ugh!